#19650 Block Assessment Date per year and/or Group

Another need was the definition of days as half-holidays. So now, Classter has the possibility for academics to develop half-holidays (for example, a day before a “National Day”, a trip day). In this optional type of day, assessments can’t be scheduled.

#20105 Descriptive Marking - Multiple Categories and Students

There is a new “Filter”, called “Per Marking Period”:

As of now there are three different options for entering descriptive marks:

Per Student:

  • For a selected student, the system will bring in rows all the available marking categories (criteria) and in columns the available marking periods (e.g. terms or semesters) based on the marking scenario/criteria.

Per Descriptive Category:

  • For the selected marking category (criteria), the system will bring all the students of the subject-group and in columns the available marking periods (e.g. terms or semesters) based on the marking scenario/criteria.

Per Marking Period:

  • For the selected marking period (e.g., terms or semesters), the system will bring all the students of the subject-group and in columns the available marking categories (criteria) based on the marking scenario/criteria.

#19649 Concealment of the Term Marks

In this new version of Classter, the administration could define and select where the “Term Marks” feature would be displayed.

The administration has the choice to conceal “Term Marks” from Parents and Students for specific grades or years.

  • On manager “Classter Web Portal” a new setting has been added “Show term report results for the following [Grades]”.
  • If the student does not have available data for preview or no obligation to publish the corresponding report, a message will appear: “No data is available to view or there is no obligation to publish a corresponding report”.

#21149 Scenarios from Period to Period

It allows end users to copy marking scenarios from one academic period to another.

#20265 Academics Configuration

  • Mass entries (when creating marking scenarios).
  • In Marking categories, scenarios and ranges, bulk actions like edit and delete are available.
  • General improvements in Marking categories.
  • Three new fields in Timetable Periods:
    • Days
    • Type of Timetable Period
    • External Code

#20271 Subject’s Form

In the Subject form, we created the ability to manage the “Descriptive Marking Scales” in the “General Data” tab of a subject.

#20146 Sessions Processing by Admin

The Administration, in this development, can make a “List of Sessions”, “+Create New” button and edit them as well.

#21850 Delete Session

A teacher/secretary role can now delete “Sessions” created by them.

#20301 Improvements in Academic Tasks

  • When creating “Quizzes” or “Homework”, the available “from Date” info is preselected.
  • New feature “+New Assessment/Exam” in the “Management” menu, “Academic Tasks” > ”Assessments” > ”Assessment Scheduling” > ”+Create New”.
  • The teacher schedules an assessment, an exam in-class, test or work. After this event takes place, the teacher can mark each student and comment on each mark. The mark may be descriptive or numerical. This exam or assessment can be scheduled for the whole class or group.

#20552 Upload of Marked Assessments

Teachers can return to their students corrected and marked assessments.

#22920 Final Mark and Promotion

The “Promotion” feature can’t be affected by the “Final Mark” of the student.

#16802 Timetable Periods – Manager

The Timetable periods can be filtered when you record Absences.

#16785 Timetable Category – Manager

On a student’s timetable (Manager), the “Timetable Category” field brings as preselected the category that has been defined as “Default”.

#21047 Sessions in Timetable

When you import the timetable from excel file, sessions can be created.

#21675 Timetable Periods – Copy Option

The user can copy the timetable hours/ periods from an academic period to an academic period.

#19660 & #23023 Timetable Appearance

On the “Timetable” of a student on Manager, absences could be displayed. There is a box option called “Absences” and a message “The shown absences do not concern the group – subject, but the shown timetable period”. With a drag of the option “Absences” on the timetable, absences column will appear. Also, the groups of the student will be in color. On Portal, to the teacher’s timetable, groups appear with different colors.

Furthermore, if the title is the same for different cells, they can be merged for continuous hours and appear as one, including a time period (the hour that the subject is active).

#22024 Timetable Improvements

A new field called “Columns Groups” in the “Configuration” menu, “Academic Settings” > ”Timetable” > ”Schedule Timetable”, through which you can change the appearance of the Timetable. Using this new option, the timetable can now be presented:

  • By Group and Day/Timetable period
  • By Teacher and Day/Timetable period
  • By Classroom and Day/Timetable period

In all three cases, the end user can select which entity will be displayed in rows and which entity will be displayed in columns.

#22745 Timetable Management

In “Schedule Timetable”, new options have been created.

In the gear icon, the “Preferences” tab includes the “Update teachers’ hours from timetable”. The “Constraints” tab inspects all the restrictions related with the teacher. The active option makes a restriction enabled and the critical ON/OFF option when is activated gives to the user no option when a restriction is over the limits. For example, when the critical is OFF and a teacher expands his/her hours, a message will appear with a question “Teacher has expanded the teaching hours. Are you sure you want to continue?”. If the critical is ON, this message gives you no question, “Teacher has expanded the teaching hours”.

#20110 Fast Absences Entry for Admin/Secretary/Owner

There is a new option for Admin/Secretary/Owner, called “Fast Absences Entry” that opens a new screen. In Management list, “Academic Tasks” > ”Absences” > ”Subjects Attendance” > ”Actions”. The “Operating Mode” can either be “Manual” (the user should select all the necessary data) or “Automatic” (the student must use a card with a unique code when enters the institute and based on rules, the presence entry should be done automatically). Manual options:

  • Student – searches for the student (registered ones) based on name, RFID, ID card.
  • Timetable Category – based on the student brings the available categories.
  • Subjects – if the entry is based on subjects, brings the subjects of the student.
  • Absence Types – the type of absence (Absence, Tardy, Presences).
  • Absence Category – based on type brings the available categories.

#20700 Mass Enrollments of Services

In the “Actions” option of “Students”, a “Mass Imports” category has been added with first option “Enroll to Services”. For all the selected students of the list, when you select “Enroll to Services” a new window appears in which you can also add/remove students.

#16032 List of Services

The following view types (groupings) are now supported on the services grid:

  • per “Service Category”
  • Per “Grade”
  • Per “Teacher”
  • Per “Classroom”

Additional improvement: The user selected grouping method is also cached so that the user does not need to select it every time.

#18332 Absences Report

A new report for absences per group that displays all the students, whether they have absences or not. The report can be found in “Academics” > “Reports” > “Absences”.